New Freight Carrier Information
Welcome to GarTran, where we strive to provide transportation and logistic services to businesses needing to move freight throughout North America. At GarTran, we are always in search of trucking companies to pick up and delivery loads at a competitive rate.
If you are a Trucking Company or Independent Professional Driver, and would like to haul for GarTran, please see the requirements and documentation necessary to haul for GarTran below:
You must include all necessary documentation in order to process payment for your services. You will have 7 days upon submitting your packet to submit a COI showing Garick LLC as CERTIFICATE HOLDER or payment will be delayed.
**Manual Vendor Packets submitted to destinations other than 216-475-1579 (fax) or will not be processed**.
*** Please do not send POD documents to either of these destinations***

VENDOR Packet Checklist
You will need the following items to complete your Vendor Packet Submission:
Copy of W-9 for tax identification if applicable.
Copy of "Certificate of Authority"
COI from Insurance Company (with Garick LLC as certificate holder)
Copy of Voided Check
"Letter of Assingment" - if your loads are paid through a factoring company

BROKER Packet Checklist
You will need the following items to complete your Vendor Packet Submission:
Copy of W-9 for tax identification if applicable.
Copy of "Certificate of Authority" (must have authority for over 2 years)
Copy of Broker's Surety Bond
COI from Insurance Company (with Garick LLC as certificate holder)
Copy of Voided Check
"Letter of Assingment" - if your loads are paid through a factoring company